



Bug #1641


Cannot upload to Yaesu FT-60R using Chirp but baoclone works OK

Added by Pavel Kirkovsky almost 11 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Chirp Version:
Model affected:
Yaesu FT-60R
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


+1. What is the behavior you are seeing?+

Chirp can successfully download data from my FT-60R but cannot upload. When attempting to upload I get an error: "Failed to communicate with radio: Radio did not respond"

I am using a cheap eBay universal programming cable with several interchangeable connectors. It uses the popular PL2303 USB-serial converter (or a knockoff). Initially, I suspected this was a driver or cable issue. I tried several drivers, including the official Prolific drivers as well as the ones recommended in the Chirp wiki but had no success in getting uploading functionality to work. My current driver is the open source "osx-pl2303".

However: using the same OS, cable, driver, and radio I was able to successfully download radio data, make changes, and then upload it using the "@baoclone@ utility":

This leads me to believe that the uploading problem is caused by Chirp itself.

+2. What is the behavior you were expecting?+

If uploading using baoclone works, uploading using Chirp should also be able to work.

+3. Can you reproduce the problem all the time?+


+4. What are the steps required to reproduce the problem?+

Upload data to the radio using Chirp

+5. Is this specific to a certain radio model (driver) or something that you can reproduce with another radio?+

This is the only radio I have.

+System Information+

OS: OS X 10.9.2
Chirp version: chirp-daily-20140428
USB Serial driver: net.sourceforge.osx-pl2303 (1.0.1)


FT60_chirp_test.img (27.9 KB) FT60_chirp_test.img FT-60 file I'm trying to upload Pavel Kirkovsky, 05/16/2014 09:21 PM
debug.log (12.6 KB) debug.log Pavel Kirkovsky, 05/16/2014 09:21 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Daniel Boehmisch over 10 years ago

Same issue here. Linux Mint 16, used Chirp and Chirp daily. Can download memory from radio but can't push memory to it.

Also a cheap cable but no USB-to-serial, just serial. Using my own known-good USB-to-serial adapter. I've used the adapter with two other Yaesu radios (FT-2800M and FT-897D) in both Tx/Rx for memory.

Actions #2

Updated by Daniel Boehmisch over 10 years ago

Follow-up: tried baoclone, as from above (note, still on Linux Mint) and pushing a configuration worked with baoclone also.

Actions #3

Updated by Sheri Peterson over 10 years ago

Not sure if it's ok to piggy-back here, but I have the identical issue with Windows 8. I can download to my computer but I get the "Failed to communicate with radio" when I try to upload to the radio.

Actions #4

Updated by Pavel Kirkovsky over 10 years ago

Any updates on this? I'd really like to be able to use Chirp with my radio.
The latest daily build (chirp-daily-20140708) still gives the same error.

Actions #5

Updated by Ty Sarna over 10 years ago

For what it's worth I just programmed 3 FT60R's on OS X 10.9.4 using Chirp 0.4.0 and an FTDI cable.

Actions #6

Updated by Pavel Kirkovsky over 10 years ago

I was able to fix this by switching to a different driver (surprisingly, the official Prolific one). Very odd that the other driver worked for downloading but not uploading, and that baoclone was able to do both. Must be some kind of timing issue?

Feel free to close this bug.

Actions #7

Updated by Filippi Marco over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Tnx Pavel for your report.
We are seeing similar issue with other radio and I see a common point is the prolific chip (probably not the original one but the clone) mostly on OS X platform.

I'm going to close this issue but I'll investigate if it can be a timing problem on similar issue #1715, others with same problems are invited to try different different driver and/or cable combination.

73 de IZ3GME Marco


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