Feature #1585
closedWouxun kg-uv6d Frequency Range Update
Could you update the supported frequency range for the wouxun kg-uv6d in order to support 66-88MHZ band channel saving?
Here there are the right frequency ranges of the kg-uv6d:
VHF: from 66 to 225 MHZ
UHF: from 350 to 520 MHZ
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
- Model affected changed from (All models) to KG-UV6D
This capability is already built into CHIRP for the KG-UV6D.
Downloading from the radio should read the band limits from the radio and set them to match in CHIRP (Settings -> Freq ranges)
If they are not set to the correct range, here is what you do...
Go to the 'Settings -> Freq ranges' menu
Set VHF RX Lower Limit (MHz) to 66
Set VHF RX Upper Limit (MHz) to 87 (1 less than 88)
Set VHF TX Lower Limit (MHz) to 66
Set VHF TX Upper Limit (MHz) to 87 (1 less than 88)
Save the changes to a .img file
Load the .img file from the previous step
That's it. Now you can program frequencies from 66.000 to 87.995 MHz
Make sense?
Updated by matteo cantarella almost 11 years ago
Ok, tomorrow I will try to reload the img file and edit some memories.
I'll keep you updated.
Thanks for the support Jim.
Updated by matteo cantarella almost 11 years ago
Did some tests today, freq. range update seems working for the wouxun kg-uv6d, but for baofeng uv-5r+ I'm still unable to program memories outside the original freq. range, even reloading the img file or downloading img from the radio.
If needed I can update my actual radio image file.
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Rejected
The UV-5R is not capable of operating much outside of its manufacturers specified range. This is not a CHIRP issue. Please take this to the CHIRP discussion group, one of the UV-5R groups or feel free to contact me directly.
Updated by lee lewis almost 11 years ago
Bug! KG-UV6D shows invalid freq when adding 70.450 in right click /edit pop up editing section
followed instructions above and can add via main menu but not via pop up
my uv6d is the 66-88mhz 137mhz-174mhz version