Bug #1573
closedIntek KT-980 HP
Tried to use chirp 0.4.0 but no support for intek kt-980 hp i've seen another user have done a report about i've tried to search for daily builds but no one yet which support intek kt980, when it will be released in daily builds? ...i really need it
You're doing a great work man i will stay tuned on your website for release!!!
Thanks a lot!!!!!!
Updated by Filippi Marco almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
This model is included since daily-20140407, which daily version did you try?
Marco Filippi
Updated by Marco Cia almost 11 years ago
Filippi Marco wrote:
This model is included since daily-20140407, which daily version did you try?
Marco Filippi
dal cognome credo siamo connazionali, riguardo al post hai perfettamente ragione ho controllato appena adesso e scaricavo la versione sbagliata, ho preso la stand alone a 32 bit e infatti c'e' il supporto alla kt-980 sicuramente non sara' pieno supporto ma per programmare i canali sono sicuro andra' piu' che bene.
Io usavo nelle impostazioni la UV-5R scaricava bene le memorie dalla radio ma quando andavo a riportarle sulla radio mi dava errore di firmware (ovviamente)....
Spero di essere piu' fortunato stasera quando provo, Saluti e grazie!
Updated by Filippi Marco almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Rejected
Bene, facci sapere se ci sono problemi specifici.
Good, let us know if there are specific issues.
73 de IZ3GME Marco
Updated by enrico tavanti almost 11 years ago
Filippi Marco wrote:
Bene, facci sapere se ci sono problemi specifici.
Good, let us know if there are specific issues.
73 de IZ3GME Marco
non funziona in trasmissione, il menu radio è disattivato pur indicando produttore e modello esatti, ancorché non modificabili.
allego foto
73 iz5rkq enrico
Updated by enrico tavanti almost 11 years ago
aggiornamento: ho reinstallato il programma, ora funziona la trasmissione dati, il menu "radio" resta sempre disattivato, forse deve essere così...farò altri test in settimana se riscontro qualche anomalia lo segnalerò prontamente. Per ora grazie.
update: I reinstalled the program, now the data transmission works, the "radio" menu is always disabled, perhaps it must be so ... I will do other tests this week if I find any anomalies I will report it promptly. For now, thank you.
73 iz5rkq enrico
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Rejected to Closed
- Chirp Version changed from 0.4.0 to daily
- Model affected changed from intek kt-980 hp to Intek KT-980HP
The specific problem described in this ticket has been resolved. Please open new ticket if there's anything else. Thanks!