Bug #1147
closedUpload Error w/ Yaesu VX7R
I'm a new user, thanks for this awesome software. I successfully downloaded all of programmed fx from my Yaesu VX7R, but am unable to upload the new image/fx or even upload the original fx back in. I've tried numerous times, and read all the documentation thoroughly.
One of two things are occurring:
1) Upload starts (with my cloning set to Clone Waiting/Rx), and looks like it is working, then my radio goes out of clone mode, to VFO mode (430.000). This happens when the Progress Bar is over the N in Cancel). The upload progress indicator on CHIRP stalls out completely, right above the L in Cancel. I've waited upwards of 20 minutes to see if it will work while my radio remains in VFO mode (I have not pushed any buttons), with no results. The HD on my Mac computer sounds like it is working very hard. Numerous times I have to force quit to get out of CHIRP / cancel the upload.
2) Several times I have had the Error Message: "failed to communicate with the radio: Radio did not ack block 1
Now there are no programs on my radio. I am pretty sure I've followed each step correctly. I am most confused about the CVS files/vs. IMF files. I have tried to import, select all and then import to radio, but that doesn't see to help either.
Any help or insight you can offer would be appreciated and I will certainly throw some $$ your way for any help to resolve this. Thrilled there is a program for Macs!
Updated by Angela Hawse over 11 years ago
I'm not sure if this was the right place to post this or if it should be posted to the mailing list. Thanks for your understanding while I learn to navigate Chirp and all the helpful information here.
Updated by Tom Hayward over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Clone failed: Failed to communicate with the radio: write failed: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
I'd be willing to bet this is a driver failure. I've seen similar issues with bad USB-serial cables in OS X, though outside of Chirp.
Someone on the mailing list could probably point you to a better driver.
Updated by Angela Hawse over 11 years ago
The cable downloaded all my programs from the VX7R to Chirp without problem. Why would the same cable not be capable of uploading back to the same radio? I tried to upload the exact img. that was downloaded to my Mac and it failed to do that.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Updated by Jens Jensen over 11 years ago
you may want to check your driver versions for your cable. I had lots of phantom issues on mac til I got the right drivers for my counterfeit pl2303 cable.
Also, can you verify if chirp works ok for you on a different machine or os?
Updated by Jens Jensen over 11 years ago
actually looking at your debug.log,
i see some exceptions being thrown (below).
It seems to point to a bad frequency in channel 113? : "154.208000"
Maybe try correcting that after downloading, but before uploading it back to the radio.
another bug with similar issue:
Exception running RadioJob: Unable to correct rounded frequency 154.208000
-- Exception: --
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/chirp-0.3.1.app/Contents/Resources/chirp/chirpui/common.py", line 97, in _execute
result = func(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "/Applications/chirp-0.3.1.app/Contents/Resources/chirp/chirp/vx7.py", line 248, in get_memory
mem.offset = chirp_common.fix_rounded_step(mem.offset)
File "/Applications/chirp-0.3.1.app/Contents/Resources/chirp/chirp/chirp_common.py", line 1206, in fix_rounded_step
InvalidDataError: Unable to correct rounded frequency 154.208000¶
Job Args: (112,)
Job KWArgs: {}
Job Called from:
File "/Applications/chirp-0.3.1.app/Contents/MacOS/../Resources/chirp/chirpw", line 136, in
File "/Applications/chirp-0.3.1.app/Contents/Resources/chirp/chirpui/memedit.py", line 1064, in
refresh.connect("clicked", lambda x: self.prefill())
File "/Applications/chirp-0.3.1.app/Contents/Resources/chirp/chirpui/memedit.py", line 925, in prefill
job = common.RadioJob(handler, "get_memory", i)
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
- Priority changed from High to Normal
- Model affected changed from Yaesu VX7R to Yaesu VX-7R
No more feedback by submitter.