Bug #11016
openRT85 Error reading from radio: not the amount of data we want.
Hi. Just purchased a new Retevis RT85, model/firmware MCU BQ 1.48 I get the error mentioned in the subject and in the log (attached).
I am using an FTDI cable that I have used for a few radios with the latest drivers.
My other Retevis RT85, model/firmware MCU BQ 1.46 (purchased April 2023) works just fine with the same cable and latest edition of CHIRP.
Could the error I am getting be related to the firmware of the newer radios? I was hoping to clone my 'old' frequencies to my new one.
Updated by Anonymous about 1 year ago
Issue resolved by myself with Retevis support. Forced VCP onto a different port after uninstalling software, rebooted, and life is good. Not the firmware or the CHIRP beta driver at all.
Updated by Cazzy Gee 11 months ago
Anonymous wrote in #note-1:
Issue resolved by myself with Retevis support. Forced VCP onto a different port after uninstalling software, rebooted, and life is good. Not the firmware or the CHIRP beta driver at all.
Ok just adding to this post hopefully it helps someone:
This cable will require a driver to be installed which can be sourced from their Website:
Offcourse they provide a mini CD disk but who still has a laptop with CD-ROM :)
If you use the other cable with FTDI chipset then installing the driver is not required.