Bug #1041
closedDoesn't work with Wouxun KG-UV6D V2
Tried Chirp on my Wouxun KG-UV6D V2. Initial communication with radio fails (doesn't get expected response). I'm using Wouxun cable. Able to use Wouxun program without problem.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 11 years ago
Hi Jeff,
Are you selecting the correct Port, Vendor and Model in CHIRP? I tried the latest daily build and also downgraded to v0.3.0 and CHIRP works fine with my KG-UV6D V2.
Updated by Jeff Stahl over 11 years ago
Hi Jim,
Yup, same port that works with Wouxun SW. Just FYI I spent 24 years developing and testing software, so I tend not to miss the trivial stuff.
Jeff, K4BH
Updated by Jeff Stahl over 11 years ago
- File Wouxun Error Message.jpg Wouxun Error Message.jpg added
Just to update, CHIRP offers the same port choices as the Wouxun software and I am selecting the same one with which the Wouxun software works (neither works on CHIRP). I AM selecting the KGUV6 model and the Wouxun vendor. I have attached a screen capture of the message that pops up.
Jeff, K4BH
Updated by Jeff Stahl over 11 years ago
I also should mention that the platform is Windows 7 (32-bit).
Jeff, K4BH
Updated by Jim Unroe over 11 years ago
Which version of CHIRP are you using? The 'string' in your image is the string that the software should be looking for. I am using Windows 7 64-bit here.
Updated by Jeff Stahl over 11 years ago
Hi Jim,
I'm using version 0.3.1.
Jeff K4BH
Updated by Jim Unroe over 11 years ago
Please provide a debug.log
Updated by Jeff Stahl over 11 years ago
Hi Jim,
Debug.log attached.
Jeff K4BH
Updated by Filippi Marco over 11 years ago
- Assignee set to Filippi Marco
It seem that your cable is echoing back chars: the string received is what software sent to radio to ask it to identify and the expected answer is completely different.
Is your cable an original one?
Can you avoid the tx-rx loopback?
73 de IZ3GME Marco
Updated by Jeff Stahl over 11 years ago
Cable was purchased from Cheapham.com, it is the same one that works with the Wouxun software. BTW it also works with my Kenwood TH-F6A.
Jeff K4BH
Updated by Jim McCorison over 11 years ago
I also can not establish communications with a Wouxun KG-UV6 V2. I'm using the same cable and configuration that works just fine with the KG-UV6X as well as the Baofeng UV-5R. The cable is the cable sold by Powerwerx as the Wouxun programming cable.
Updated by Filippi Marco over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Hi Jim and Jeff
I spent some time trying to reverse engineering the protocol of V2 software but I can't find where it differs from previous models.
Can you please sniff the serial communication between the radio and wouxun original software so that we see what they tell each other?
73 de IZ3GME Marco
Sorry for delay in answers but I'm on vacation so I don't have always access to my pc
Updated by Jim McCorison over 11 years ago
Sadly the 6D V2 was been given back to the owner already. There may or may not be a Chirp issue after all. I could not program the radio with any of the various Wouxon programming tools which claim to be for the 6D V2 so it is possible that the radio was defective, or that it is a counterfeit and doesn't work exactly the same (it was bought from the lowest price dealer on Amazon), or the specific variant of the 6D series required a different programming cable. Who knows. I solved the problem by issuing a department edict that 6D radios will not be supported as there is just too many issues with the different variants.
Updated by Jeff Stahl over 11 years ago
I've been trying to get a log of the USB data exchange between the KG-UV6D V2 and the Wouxun programming software as well as Chirp. Unfortunaely I have not found a suitable tool for doing this without shelling out a significant amount of money. Does anybody have any suggestions? Just FYI Snoopypro doesn't work.
Updated by Tom Hayward over 11 years ago
It's actually serial data.
Updated by Jeff Stahl over 11 years ago
The "serial" data goes out over a USB port which has a driver to emulate a serial port, the data cable has hardware which does a USB to serial conversion, so in order to get a dump of the data conversation I need to monitor the USB port to which the data cable is attached. This is the case with most computers - no serial ports, just USB ports.
Updated by Jeff Stahl over 11 years ago
- File Chirp KG-UV6D V2.usblog Chirp KG-UV6D V2.usblog added
- File Wouxun Program.usblog Wouxun Program.usblog added
Got SnoopyPro working. I am attaching two traces, one from CHIRP the other from the Wouxun software. Also found that Wouxun software shows two COM ports, and works with either. CHIRP shows these two but fails differently on them. I switched to the other (COM6) and now it goes into clone mode, but fails. The trace I am attaching is of that failure.
Jeff, K4BH
Updated by Filippi Marco over 11 years ago
- File kguv6V2.py added
- Chirp Version changed from 0.3.0 to daily
- Platform changed from Windows to All
I can see the matrix!
Please download and save the attached kguv6V2.py file.
From chirp menu "Help", "Enable developer functions" and then load the file with "File - Load module". (No mods will be made to Chirp, you'll have to repeat load module at every program start)
In "Radio - Download from radio" dialog you should now have another wouxun model "Wouxun KG-UV6D V2", select it and try downloading from your radio.
I expect the download finish correctly, please save the image file and send it.
Please check and confirm that all info presented by chirp correspond to the settings in your radio.
Please do not try to upload to radio yet!! Let me analyze your image first.
73 de IZ3GME Marco
Updated by Jeff Stahl over 11 years ago
This file appears to be HTML formatted. Can you verify that it is OK?
Jeff, K4BH
Updated by Jeff Stahl over 11 years ago
- File KG-UV6DV2.img KG-UV6DV2.img added
The file was small, so I cut the text from the file and saved it locally. I had to make the following change:
ORIGINAL: from chirp.wouxun import KGUVD1PRadio
CHANGED TO: from chirp.wouxun import KGUV6DRadio
After that the module performed as you described. The radio apparently downloaded successfully. The data appears to be correct. I am attaching the image file.
Thanks for your help.
Jeff, K4BH
Updated by Filippi Marco over 11 years ago
- File kguv6V2.py kguv6V2.py added
Hi Jeff,
sorry for the typo, I removed the wrong source and I'm uploading a correct one in case anyone else should try it.
Btw in the htlm "show file" page there's a download link ;)
I'll analyse the img tomorrow but I'm confident we are close to the solution.
tnx for your collaboration
73 de IZ3GME Marco
Updated by Jeff Stahl over 11 years ago
Hi Marco,
Yup, the link scrolls with the file, so it was of the screen when I was looking for it. I think this solution has a high likelihood of being the correct one. I'm slowly becoming familiar with Python and want to make some other improvements to the Kenwood TH-F6A functions as well, but that is another issue.
Thanks for your efforts.
Jeff, K4BH
Updated by Filippi Marco over 11 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Incomplete
The radio memory have the very same structure of old model, I sent a patch to the developers list.
I just wait for you to test it to close this issue.
Hope to see some patch from you soon ;)
Tnx for patience
73 de IZ3GME Marco
Updated by Jeff Stahl over 11 years ago
I uploaded from CHIRP to my KG-UV6D V2 and it appears to be working properly. I think you can close this issue. Thanks for all of your hard work and diligence.
Jeff K4BH
Updated by Filippi Marco over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Closed