New Model #10320
I use CHIRP for updating programming to my BF-F8HP and find it very helpful. I now own two BTECH GMRS-PRO radios but discovered when I updated with CHIRP-next-20230126-installer.exe for Windows 11, 64-bit, the BTECH GMRS-PRO is not listed. I suspect you are very busy, particularly with adding new radios, but I would appreciate it if you would add this radio at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
Updated by Patrick Dodd over 1 year ago
I have a Btech GMRS-Pro I would be willing to lend for this purpose.
I also happen to know it uses the AT 1846S as its radio chip.
Additionally, this radio is a very close copy of the Vero VR-N75 handheld, potentially exactly the same radio with different software.
Updated by Chrontius Lameth 30 days ago
Vero's HT app has just been updated, with a focus on channel management. Channels can be imported and exported in CSV format, in groups of 32. The radio can store six banks at a time, though I'm still figuring out how to operate it without a phone connected.
This should make exporting Chirp codeplugs fairly trivial now, so I figure that it's worth having another go-round with the GMRS Pro and other Vero-derived radios.