Bug #10147
openft-60r PTT delay
Radio model Yaesu FT-60r
With MARS/CAP mod
After uploading to radio when I'm on a frequency and press to talk, there is a large delay followed by a beep before speech will transmit.
This did not happen before when manually adding frequencies. But It did happen if I entered more than 6 digits on the ft60.
So I erased the memory and put them in myself, manually with 6 digits as before.. the delay remained, so I reset ALL and manually entered and no delay.
I reset ALL and uploaded from chirp and the delay was back.
I think the beep after the PTT might be a time out beep.
There is no way to just have 6 digits on chirp.. it automatically adds the extra digits.
I don't know if it is the 6 digit thing, but it was the one thing that I thought to try. It could be something else too as just a memory reset with 6 digit manual entry did not fix the large delay issue.
I'm trying to remember how long the delay was, maybe 5 to 10 seconds, estimated from what I remember.
The delay was sizable enough to make using with the chirp upload not usable for normal communication.
Updated by CLAY NEITZ over 2 years ago
I forgot to mention that I tried this both with MX-Linux and Windows 10