Feature #10058
openuv-25x4 squelch adjustment in software
The uv-5r series allows the squelch to be refined using a menu in Chirp. I'd like to see this option for the 25x4. The factory software has this option, but it is a little buggy.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
I thought I read recently that these radios won't keep the external changes after a power cycle.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago
I did a quick test. It is not possible to add the ability to adjust the squelch thresholds of this radio. A developer needs access to software that actually performs this function in order to reverse engineer this process. The OEM software, even though having an sql level tab to perform this function, it only pretends to do this function. In reality the software does absolutely nothing.
As a simple test do the following steps.
download from your radio to CHIRP and save to CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file as a backup (really do it)¶
open the OEM software and access the Other -> sq level tab¶
upload from the OEM software to your radio (this will upload the currently displayed sq levels to your radio)¶
change all of the values in the 130-179 MHZ open column (to make it easy I added 10 to all 10 values)¶
download from your radio to the OEM software (all of the changed values should change back to their original values)¶
use CHIRP to upload the backup file that you made in step #1 back into your radio (just in case something got changed)¶
As you can clearly see, none of the the values got changed back. Watching with a serial port monitor, nothing related to the squelch settings gets sent to the radio or returned from the radio.
And for good measure I tried the same thing with the BTech UV-25X2 and UV-50X2 OEM software. Same results. The OEM software provides the menus to make the adjustments but no actual functionality.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago
- File btech_sql.py btech_sql.py added
I was able to use the UV-2501 software to see what the squelch settings look like in memory. Then armed with that knowledge, I visually scanned through a UV-25X4 image to find the squelch threshold settings.
The attached driver module is just a proof of concept. Only download from a radio and then upload back to the same radio. Do not swap images between radios.
To the best of my knowledge I think I have the bands sorted out as shown below. Verify if you can and I can swap them around if they don't match up.
VHF2 = 220
UHF2 = 350