[2023-05-07 14:53:14,489] chirp.logger - DEBUG: CHIRP next-20230507 on Darwin hopen 22.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.4.0: Mon Mar 6 21:01:02 PST 2023; root:xnu-8796.101.5~3/RELEASE_ARM64_T8112 arm64 (Python 3.8.2) [2023-05-07 14:53:14,663] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Using locale: en_US (276) [2023-05-07 14:53:14,666] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Translation loaded=True for CHIRP: en_US (pl,uk_UA,en_US,pt_BR,el,it,ru,zh_CN,hu,nl,de,fr,es,tr_TR) from /Applications/CHIRP.app/Contents/MacOS/chirp/locale [2023-05-07 14:53:14,668] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Translation loaded=False for wxstd: en_US (fa_IR,sl,sk,pl,vi,sq,sv,ms,da,gl_ES,pt_BR,ko_KR,ja,el,lv,co,it,ca,zh_TW,cs,ru,ro,zh_CN,pt,uk,an,ar,hr,hu,nl,ne,af,nb,hi,ka,de,ca@valencia,fi,id,fr,es,lt,eu,ta,tr) [2023-05-07 14:53:14,914] main - INFO: Python/3.8.2 // Darwin/macOS-13.3.1-arm64-arm-64bit // CHIRP/next-20230507 // wx/4.2.0 osx-cocoa (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.2.0 [2023-05-07 14:53:15,370] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Server reports next-20230507 is latest [2023-05-07 14:53:23,384] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Selected [2023-05-07 14:53:27,016] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Using port '/dev/cu.usbmodemID_52_150065921' [2023-05-07 14:53:27,017] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Selected [2023-05-07 14:53:27,022] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Serial opened: Serial(port='/dev/cu.usbmodemID_52_150065921', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=0.25, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False) (rts=True dtr=True) [2023-05-07 14:53:27,278] chirp.drivers.icf - INFO: Non-echoing cable detected [2023-05-07 14:53:27,278] chirp.drivers.icf - DEBUG: Model query result: Radio -> PC [Model]: 000: 38 67 00 01 2d 03 20 20 8g..-... 008: 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ 016: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 03 ........ 024: 04 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 ........ 032: 00 00 00 30 46 31 42 30 ...0F1B0 040: 46 30 30 30 30 31 39 43 F000019C 048: 30 0....... [2023-05-07 14:53:27,279] chirp.drivers.icf - INFO: Radio revision is 3 [2023-05-07 14:53:27,279] chirp.drivers.icf - INFO: Radio comment is b' ' [2023-05-07 14:53:27,279] chirp.drivers.icf - INFO: Radio serial is '386715006592' [2023-05-07 14:53:27,279] chirp.drivers.icf - INFO: This model: 000: 38 67 00 01 8g...... [2023-05-07 14:53:27,279] chirp.drivers.icf - INFO: Supp model: 000: 33 22 00 01 3"...... [2023-05-07 14:53:27,279] chirp.wxui.clone - ERROR: Failed to clone: Failed to communicate with the radio: I can't talk to this model Traceback (most recent call last): File "chirp/drivers/icf.py", line 412, in clone_from_radio File "chirp/drivers/icf.py", line 348, in _clone_from_radio chirp.errors.RadioError: I can't talk to this model During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "chirp/wxui/clone.py", line 66, in run File "chirp/drivers/icf.py", line 890, in sync_in File "chirp/drivers/icf.py", line 414, in clone_from_radio chirp.errors.RadioError: Failed to communicate with the radio: I can't talk to this model [2023-05-07 14:53:31,290] chirp.wxui.clone - WARNING: Stopping clone thread