


Bug #10721 ยป chirp_debug-sced_vld.txt

crack squirrels, 07/13/2023 06:50 AM

[2023-07-13 14:44:52,316] chirp.logger - DEBUG: CHIRP next-20230712 on Darwin slagtop-2.local 22.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.5.0: Thu Jun 8 22:22:20 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.121.3~7/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64 (Python 3.8.2)
[2023-07-13 14:44:52,511] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Using locale: en_GB (274)
[2023-07-13 14:44:52,513] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Translation loaded=False for CHIRP: en_GB (pl,uk_UA,en_US,pt_BR,el,it,ru,zh_CN,hu,nl,de,fr,es,tr_TR) from /Applications/
[2023-07-13 14:44:52,515] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Translation loaded=False for wxstd: en_GB (fa_IR,sl,sk,pl,vi,sq,sv,ms,da,gl_ES,pt_BR,ko_KR,ja,el,lv,co,it,ca,zh_TW,cs,ru,ro,zh_CN,pt,uk,an,ar,hr,hu,nl,ne,af,nb,hi,ka,de,ca@valencia,fi,id,fr,es,lt,eu,ta,tr)
[2023-07-13 14:44:52,723] main - INFO: Python/3.8.2 // Darwin/macOS-13.4.1-arm64-arm-64bit // CHIRP/next-20230712 // wx/4.2.0 osx-cocoa (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.2.0
[2023-07-13 14:44:53,119] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Server reports next-20230712 is latest
[2023-07-13 14:44:55,126] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Using port '/dev/cu.usbserial-1150'
[2023-07-13 14:44:55,127] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Selected <class 'chirp.drivers.uv5r.BaofengUV5RGeneric'>
[2023-07-13 14:44:55,141] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Prompt pre_download disabled for radio
[2023-07-13 14:44:55,154] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Serial opened: Serial<id=0x10d312b50, open=True>(port='/dev/cu.usbserial-1150', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=0.25, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False) (rts=True dtr=True)
[2023-07-13 14:44:55,155] chirp.drivers.uv5r - INFO: Sending Magic: 000: 50 bb ff 20 12 07 25 P.....%.

[2023-07-13 14:44:55,260] chirp.drivers.uv5r - INFO: Valid response, got this:
[2023-07-13 14:44:55,261] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: 000: aa 30 76 04 00 05 20 dd .0v.....

[2023-07-13 14:44:55,531] chirp.drivers.uv5r - INFO: Radio Version is b'HN5RV011\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
[2023-07-13 14:44:55,533] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: downloading main block...
[2023-07-13 14:45:08,485] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: done.
[2023-07-13 14:45:08,487] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: downloading aux block...
[2023-07-13 14:45:09,156] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: done.
[2023-07-13 14:45:09,219] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Saved backup to /Users/jc/.chirp/backups/Baofeng_UV-5R_20230713T144509.img
[2023-07-13 14:45:09,232] chirp.wxui.memedit - DEBUG: Adding mem.extra column bcl as ChirpFlagColumn
[2023-07-13 14:45:09,233] chirp.wxui.memedit - DEBUG: Adding mem.extra column pttid as ChirpChoiceColumn
[2023-07-13 14:45:09,233] chirp.wxui.memedit - DEBUG: Adding mem.extra column scode as ChirpChoiceColumn
[2023-07-13 14:45:22,350] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: mem was not empty, memorize extra-settings
[2023-07-13 14:45:22,352] chirp.wxui.memedit - DEBUG: Memory 8 changed, column: 1:Memory 8: 446.068750/0.000000 FM (PMR 09) r82.5* c88.5 d023 NN [5.00]
[2023-07-13 14:45:29,467] chirp.wxui.main - DEBUG: Saving to /Users/jc/Downloads/Baofeng_UV-5R_20230713.img
[2023-07-13 14:45:34,046] chirp.wxui.settingsedit - DEBUG: Adding page for Basic Settings (parent=None)
[2023-07-13 14:45:34,048] chirp.wxui.settingsedit - DEBUG: Adding page for Advanced Settings (parent=None)
[2023-07-13 14:45:34,055] chirp.wxui.settingsedit - DEBUG: Adding page for Other Settings (parent=None)
[2023-07-13 14:45:34,057] chirp.wxui.settingsedit - DEBUG: Adding page for Work Mode Settings (parent=None)
[2023-07-13 14:45:34,058] chirp.wxui.settingsedit - DEBUG: Adding page for FM Radio Preset (parent=None)
[2023-07-13 14:45:34,060] chirp.wxui.settingsedit - DEBUG: Adding page for DTMF Settings (parent=None)
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,863] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for Baofeng UV-5R
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,866] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for memory
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,867] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for pttid
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,868] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for ani
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,868] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for settings
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,869] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for wmchannel
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,869] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for vfoa
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,870] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for vfob
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,874] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for names
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,875] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for sixpoweron_msg
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,875] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for poweron_msg
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,876] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for firmware_msg
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,877] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for limits_new
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,877] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for limits_old
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,877] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for squelch_new
[2023-07-13 14:47:04,878] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for squelch_old
[2023-07-13 14:47:12,124] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Loaded metadata: {'mem_extra': {}, 'rclass': 'BaofengUV5RGeneric', 'vendor': 'Baofeng', 'model': 'UV-5R', 'variant': '', 'chirp_version': 'next-20230712'}
[2023-07-13 14:47:12,126] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Loaded metadata: {'mem_extra': {}, 'rclass': 'BaofengUV5RGeneric', 'vendor': 'Baofeng', 'model': 'UV-5R', 'variant': '', 'chirp_version': 'next-20230712'}
[2023-07-13 14:47:12,126] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Parsed version 'next-20230712' to (0,)
[2023-07-13 14:47:12,127] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Parsed version 'next-20230712' to (0,)
[2023-07-13 14:47:12,175] chirp.wxui.memedit - DEBUG: Adding mem.extra column bcl as ChirpFlagColumn
[2023-07-13 14:47:12,176] chirp.wxui.memedit - DEBUG: Adding mem.extra column pttid as ChirpChoiceColumn
[2023-07-13 14:47:12,176] chirp.wxui.memedit - DEBUG: Adding mem.extra column scode as ChirpChoiceColumn
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,320] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for Baofeng UV-5R
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,322] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for memory
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,323] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for pttid
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,324] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for ani
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,327] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for settings
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,327] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for wmchannel
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,328] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for vfoa
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,329] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for vfob
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,329] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for names
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,330] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for sixpoweron_msg
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,331] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for poweron_msg
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,332] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for firmware_msg
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,332] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for limits_new
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,333] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for limits_old
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,334] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for squelch_new
[2023-07-13 14:47:13,335] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Adding sub panel for squelch_old
[2023-07-13 14:49:22,860] chirp.wxui.common - ERROR: <function ChirpMain._menu_debug_loc at 0x10d265430> raised unexpected exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirp/wxui/", line 563, in run_safe
File "chirp/wxui/", line 1693, in _menu_debug_loc
File "chirp/wxui/", line 596, in reveal_location
FileNotFoundError: Path /var/folders/kz/pdp9kyg90g31fhgvw_5yr8zw0000gp/T/chirp_debug-q3qpd8pz.txt does not exist
[2023-07-13 14:49:51,098] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Prompt pre_upload disabled for radio
[2023-07-13 14:49:51,098] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Opening serial '/dev/cu.usbserial-1150' after upload prompt
[2023-07-13 14:49:51,104] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Serial opened: Serial<id=0x11642b250, open=True>(port='/dev/cu.usbserial-1150', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=0.25, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False) (rts=True dtr=True)
[2023-07-13 14:49:51,104] chirp.drivers.uv5r - INFO: Sending Magic: 000: 50 bb ff 20 12 07 25 P.....%.

[2023-07-13 14:49:51,200] chirp.drivers.uv5r - INFO: Valid response, got this:
[2023-07-13 14:49:51,200] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: 000: aa 30 76 04 00 05 20 dd .0v.....

[2023-07-13 14:49:51,480] chirp.drivers.uv5r - INFO: Image Version is b'HN5RV011\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
[2023-07-13 14:49:51,481] chirp.drivers.uv5r - INFO: Radio Version is b'HN5RV011\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
[2023-07-13 14:50:13,077] chirp.drivers.uv5r - INFO: Skipped writing aux block