


Bug #4591 » chirp_debug-64keg20u.txt

Bob Sumien, 04/07/2023 04:13 PM

[2023-04-07 18:10:22,366] chirp.logger - DEBUG: CHIRP next-20230404 on Darwin Bobs-MacBookPro.local 21.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Mon Dec 19 20:44:01 PST 2022; root:xnu-8020.240.18~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 (Python 3.8.2)
[2023-04-07 18:10:22,620] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Using locale: en_US (276)
[2023-04-07 18:10:22,626] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Translation loaded=True for CHIRP: en_US (pl,uk_UA,en_US,pt_BR,el,it,ru,zh_CN,hu,nl,de,fr,es,tr_TR) from /private/var/folders/35/k6lm9zxn78zb_631wl8tgf680000gq/T/AppTranslocation/E30CCA2F-9552-459A-82D0-64C37469A8C9/d/
[2023-04-07 18:10:22,631] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Translation loaded=False for wxstd: en_US (fa_IR,sl,sk,pl,vi,sq,sv,ms,da,gl_ES,pt_BR,ko_KR,ja,el,lv,co,it,ca,zh_TW,cs,ru,ro,zh_CN,pt,uk,an,ar,hr,hu,nl,ne,af,nb,hi,ka,de,ca@valencia,fi,id,fr,es,lt,eu,ta,tr)
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,070] main - INFO: Python/3.8.2 // Darwin/macOS-12.6.3-x86_64-i386-64bit // CHIRP/next-20230404 // wx/4.2.0 osx-cocoa (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.2.0
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,101] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf DE Freenet Frequencies.csv because same name found in user dir
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,101] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf EU LPD and PMR Channels.csv because same name found in user dir
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,102] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf FR Marine VHF Channels.csv because same name found in user dir
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,102] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf KDR444.csv because same name found in user dir
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,102] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf NOAA Weather Alert.csv because same name found in user dir
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,102] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf SE Jaktradio 155MHz.csv because same name found in user dir
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,102] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf UK Business Radio Simple Light Frequencies.csv because same name found in user dir
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,102] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf US 60 meter channels (Center).csv because same name found in user dir
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,102] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf US 60 meter channels (Dial).csv because same name found in user dir
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,102] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf US CA Railroad Channels.csv because same name found in user dir
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,102] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf US Calling Frequencies.csv because same name found in user dir
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,102] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf US FRS and GMRS Channels.csv because same name found in user dir
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,102] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf US MURS Channels.csv because same name found in user dir
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,102] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf US Marine VHF Channels.csv because same name found in user dir
[2023-04-07 18:10:23,262] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Server reports next-20230404 is latest
[2023-04-07 18:10:36,690] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Fetched attachments for issue 4591 (status 200)
[2023-04-07 18:10:36,691] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Found 4 valid module attachments from issue 4591
[2023-04-07 18:10:39,915] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: User chose attachment {'id': 8932, 'filename': '', 'filesize': 39389, 'content_type': 'text/x-python-script', 'description': '19d9fca8', 'content_url': '', 'author': {'id': 3, 'name': 'Dan Smith'}, 'created_on': '2023-04-07T23:00:50Z'}
[2023-04-07 18:10:39,915] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Fetching attachment URL
[2023-04-07 18:10:40,684] chirp.wxui.developer - DEBUG: Wrote attachment to /var/folders/35/k6lm9zxn78zb_631wl8tgf680000gq/T/
[2023-04-07 18:10:40,684] - INFO: driver re-registration enabled
[2023-04-07 18:10:40,686] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Loading module /var/folders/35/k6lm9zxn78zb_631wl8tgf680000gq/T/ SHA256 53928918c65d62fa55264c9aba7dfca3d13cc64285760c88a49b961eeac77df9
[2023-04-07 18:10:40,694] - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Yaesu_FT-7100M'
[2023-04-07 18:10:55,604] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Using port '/dev/cu.usbserial-1410'
[2023-04-07 18:10:55,604] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Selected <class 'chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc.FT7100Radio'>
[2023-04-07 18:10:55,616] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Showing pre_download prompt
[2023-04-07 18:10:59,796] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Setting flag for prompt pre_download
[2023-04-07 18:10:59,805] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: in _download

[2023-04-07 18:11:00,056] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:00,056] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:00,310] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:00,310] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:00,565] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:00,565] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:00,820] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:00,820] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:01,073] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:01,074] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:01,328] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:01,329] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:01,581] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:01,581] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:01,835] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:01,836] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:02,091] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:02,091] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:02,347] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:02,347] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:02,599] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:02,599] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:02,852] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:02,853] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:03,105] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:03,105] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:03,356] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:
000: 56 61 72 74 65 78 20 53 Vartex.S
008: 74 61 6e 64 61 72 64 20 tandard.
016: 41 48 30 30 33 4d 20 4d AH003M.M
024: 2d 4d -M......

[2023-04-07 18:11:03,356] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 26

[2023-04-07 18:11:03,607] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:
000: 61 70 20 56 30 34 ap.V04..

[2023-04-07 18:11:03,607] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 6

[2023-04-07 18:11:03,860] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:03,861] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:04,115] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:04,115] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:04,367] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:04,368] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:04,621] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:04,622] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:04,874] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:04,874] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:05,128] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:05,129] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:05,383] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:05,383] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:05,636] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:05,636] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:05,889] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:05,889] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:06,144] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:06,144] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:06,398] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:06,398] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:06,651] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:06,651] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:06,905] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:06,906] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:07,160] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:07,161] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:07,414] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:07,415] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:07,669] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:07,669] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:07,924] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:07,924] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:08,176] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:08,177] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:08,431] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:08,431] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:08,682] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:08,682] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:08,946] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:08,947] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:09,199] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:09,199] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:09,450] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:09,450] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:09,705] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:09,706] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:09,958] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:09,958] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:10,212] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:10,213] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:10,466] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:10,466] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:10,717] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:10,717] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:10,972] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:10,973] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:11,228] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:11,228] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:11,481] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:11,481] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:11,732] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:11,732] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:11,985] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:11,985] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:12,239] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:12,239] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:12,490] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:12,490] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:12,745] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:12,746] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:12,999] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:12,999] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:13,255] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:13,255] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:13,510] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:13,510] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:13,764] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:13,765] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:14,018] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:14,018] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:14,272] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:14,272] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:14,525] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:14,526] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:14,780] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:14,780] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:15,031] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Header:

[2023-04-07 18:11:15,031] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: len(header) = 0

[2023-04-07 18:11:15,032] chirp.wxui.clone - ERROR: Failed to clone: Failed to communicate with radio: Got no data from radio.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/folders/35/k6lm9zxn78zb_631wl8tgf680000gq/T/", line 570, in sync_in
self._mmap = _download(self)
File "/var/folders/35/k6lm9zxn78zb_631wl8tgf680000gq/T/", line 83, in _download
raise Exception("Got no data from radio.")
Exception: Got no data from radio.

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirp/wxui/", line 66, in run
File "/var/folders/35/k6lm9zxn78zb_631wl8tgf680000gq/T/", line 574, in sync_in
raise errors.RadioError("Failed to communicate with radio: %s" % e)
chirp.errors.RadioError: Failed to communicate with radio: Got no data from radio.
[2023-04-07 18:11:22,687] chirp.wxui.clone - WARNING: Stopping clone thread
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,511] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Loaded metadata: {'VHF Band': {'mem_extra': {'0006_comment': ''}}, 'UHF Band': {'mem_extra': {'0006_comment': ''}}, 'rclass': 'DynamicRadioAlias', 'vendor': 'Yaesu', 'model': 'FT-7100M', 'variant': '', 'chirp_version': 'next-20230404'}
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,512] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Loaded metadata: {'VHF Band': {'mem_extra': {'0006_comment': ''}}, 'UHF Band': {'mem_extra': {'0006_comment': ''}}, 'rclass': 'DynamicRadioAlias', 'vendor': 'Yaesu', 'model': 'FT-7100M', 'variant': '', 'chirp_version': 'next-20230404'}
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,512] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Parsed version 'next-20230404' to (0,)
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,512] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Parsed version 'next-20230404' to (0,)
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,645] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,906] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,906] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,906] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,906] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,906] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,906] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,906] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,907] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,907] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,907] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,907] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,907] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,907] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,907] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,907] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,907] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,908] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,908] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,908] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,908] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,908] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,908] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,908] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,908] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,909] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,909] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,909] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,909] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,909] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,909] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,909] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,909] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,909] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,909] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,910] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,910] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,910] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,910] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,910] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,910] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,910] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,910] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,911] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,911] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,923] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 1
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,923] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 0
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,923] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,923] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,924] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 2
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,924] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 1
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,924] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,924] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,925] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 3
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,925] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 2
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,925] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,925] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,925] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 4
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,925] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 3
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,925] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,926] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,926] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 5
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,926] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 4
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,926] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,926] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,927] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 6
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,927] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 5
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,927] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,927] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,927] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 7
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,927] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 6
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,928] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,928] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,928] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 8
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,928] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 7
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,928] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,928] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,928] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 9
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,929] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 8
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,929] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,929] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,930] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 10
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,930] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 9
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,930] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,930] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,931] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 11
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,931] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 10
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,931] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,931] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,931] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 12
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,931] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 11
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,932] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,932] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,932] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 13
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,932] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 12
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,932] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,932] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,933] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 14
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,933] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 13
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,933] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,933] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,933] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 15
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,933] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 14
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,933] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,934] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,934] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 16
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,934] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 15
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,934] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,934] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,934] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 17
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,935] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 16
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,935] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,935] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,935] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 18
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,935] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 17
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,935] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,935] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,936] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 19
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,936] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 18
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,936] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,936] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,936] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 20
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,936] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 19
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,937] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,937] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,937] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 21
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,937] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 20
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,937] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,937] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,938] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 22
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,938] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 21
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,938] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,938] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,938] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 23
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,938] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 22
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,939] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,939] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,939] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 24
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,939] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 23
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,939] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,939] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,940] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 25
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,940] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 24
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,940] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,940] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,940] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 26
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,940] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 25
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,941] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,941] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,941] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 27
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,941] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 26
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,941] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,941] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,942] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 28
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,942] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 27
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,942] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,942] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,942] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 29
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,942] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 28
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,984] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,984] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,985] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 30
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,985] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 29
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,985] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,985] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,985] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 31
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,986] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 30
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,986] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,986] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,986] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 32
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,986] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 31
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,987] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,987] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,987] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 33
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,987] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 32
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,988] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,988] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,988] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 34
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,988] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 33
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,988] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,989] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,989] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 35
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,989] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 34
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,989] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,989] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,990] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 36
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,990] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 35
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,990] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,990] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,990] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 37
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,991] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 36
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,991] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,991] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,991] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 38
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,991] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 37
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,992] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,992] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,992] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 39
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,992] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 38
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,992] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,992] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,993] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 40
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,993] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 39
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,993] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,993] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,993] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 41
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,993] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 40
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,994] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,994] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,994] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 42
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,994] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 41
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,994] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,994] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,995] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 43
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,995] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 42
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,995] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,995] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,996] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 44
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,996] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 43
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,996] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,996] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,996] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 45
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,996] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 44
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,997] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,997] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,997] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 46
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,997] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 45
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,997] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,997] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,998] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 47
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,998] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 46
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,998] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,998] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,998] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 48
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,998] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 47
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,999] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,999] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,999] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 49
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,999] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 48
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,999] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:40,999] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,000] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 50
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,000] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 49
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,000] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,000] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,000] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 51
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,000] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 50
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,001] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,001] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,001] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 52
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,001] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 51
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,001] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,001] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,002] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 53
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,002] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 52
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,002] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,002] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,002] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 54
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,002] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 53
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,003] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,003] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,003] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 55
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,003] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 54
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,003] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,003] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,003] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 56
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,004] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 55
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,004] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,004] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,004] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 57
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,004] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 56
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,004] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,005] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,005] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 58
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,005] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 57
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,005] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,005] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,005] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 59
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,005] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 58
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,006] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,006] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,006] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 60
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,006] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 59
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,006] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,006] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,007] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 61
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,007] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 60
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,007] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,007] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,007] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 62
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,007] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 61
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,008] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,008] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,008] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 63
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,008] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 62
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,008] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,008] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,009] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 64
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,009] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 63
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,009] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,009] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,009] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 65
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,009] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 64
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,010] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,010] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,010] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 66
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,010] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 65
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,010] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,010] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,011] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 67
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,011] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 66
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,011] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,011] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,011] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 68
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,011] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 67
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,012] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,012] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,012] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 69
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,012] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 68
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,012] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,012] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,013] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 70
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,013] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 69
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,013] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,013] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,013] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 71
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,013] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 70
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,014] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,014] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,014] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 72
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,014] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 71
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,014] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,014] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,015] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 73
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,015] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 72
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,015] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,015] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,015] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 74
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,015] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 73
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,015] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,016] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,016] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 75
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,016] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 74
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,016] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,016] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,016] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 76
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,017] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 75
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,017] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,017] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,017] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 77
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,017] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 76
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,017] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,018] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,018] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 78
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,018] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 77
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,018] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,018] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,018] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 79
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,019] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 78
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,019] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,019] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,019] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 80
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,019] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 79
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,019] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,019] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,020] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 81
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,020] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 80
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,020] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,020] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,020] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 82
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,020] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 81
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,021] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,021] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,021] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 83
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,021] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 82
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,022] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,022] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,022] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 84
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,022] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 83
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,022] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,022] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,023] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 85
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,023] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 84
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,023] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,023] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,023] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 86
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,023] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 85
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,024] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,024] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,024] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 87
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,024] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 86
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,024] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,024] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,025] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 88
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,025] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 87
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,025] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,025] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,026] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 89
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,026] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 88
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,026] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,026] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,026] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 90
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,026] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 89
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,027] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,027] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,027] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 91
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,027] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 90
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,027] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,027] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,028] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 92
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,028] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 91
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,028] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,028] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,028] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 93
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,028] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 92
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,029] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,029] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,029] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 94
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,029] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 93
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,029] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,029] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,030] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 95
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,030] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 94
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,030] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,030] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,030] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 96
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,030] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 95
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,031] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,031] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,031] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 97
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,031] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 96
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,031] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,031] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,032] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 98
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,032] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 97
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,032] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,032] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,032] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 99
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,032] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 98
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,032] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,033] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,033] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 100
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,033] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 99
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,033] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,033] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,033] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 101
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,034] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 100
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,034] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,034] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,034] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 102
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,034] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 101
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,035] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,035] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,036] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 103
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,036] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 102
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,036] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,036] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,036] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 104
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,036] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 103
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,037] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,037] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,037] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 105
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,037] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 104
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,037] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,037] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,038] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 106
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,038] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 105
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,038] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,038] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,039] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 107
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,039] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 106
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,039] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,039] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,039] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 108
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,039] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 107
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,040] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,040] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,040] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 109
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,040] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 108
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,040] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,040] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,041] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 110
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,041] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 109
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,041] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,041] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,041] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 111
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,041] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 110
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,042] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,042] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,042] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 112
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,042] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 111
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,043] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,043] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,043] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 113
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,044] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 112
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,044] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,044] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,044] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 114
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,044] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 113
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,045] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,045] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,045] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 115
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,045] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 114
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,045] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,045] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,046] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 116
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,046] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 115
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,046] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,046] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,046] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 117
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,047] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 116
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,047] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,047] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,047] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 118
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,047] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 117
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,047] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,048] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,048] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 119
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,048] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 118
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,048] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,048] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,049] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory VHF Number: 120
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,049] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 119
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,049] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,049] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
--- Logging error ---
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "logging/", line 1081, in emit
File "logging/", line 925, in format
File "logging/", line 664, in format
File "logging/", line 369, in getMessage
TypeError: %i format: a number is required, not str
Call stack:
File "", line 8, in <module>
File "chirp/wxui/", line 214, in chirpmain
File "wx/", line 2262, in MainLoop
File "chirp/wxui/", line 967, in _menu_open
File "chirp/wxui/", line 465, in wrapper
File "chirp/wxui/", line 452, in run_safe
File "chirp/wxui/", line 401, in open_file
File "chirp/wxui/", line 132, in __init__
File "chirp/wxui/", line 787, in refresh
File "chirp/wxui/", line 716, in refresh_memory
File "chirp/wxui/", line 185, in do_radio
File "/var/folders/35/k6lm9zxn78zb_631wl8tgf680000gq/T/", line 1162, in get_memory
LOG.debug("get_memory VHF Number: %i", number)
File "logging/", line 1422, in debug
File "logging/", line 1577, in _log
File "logging/", line 1587, in handle
File "logging/", line 1649, in callHandlers
File "logging/", line 950, in handle
File "logging/", line 1089, in emit
Message: 'get_memory VHF Number: %i'
Arguments: ('VFO',)
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,084] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 'VFO-VHF'
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,084] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,084] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
--- Logging error ---
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "logging/", line 1081, in emit
File "logging/", line 925, in format
File "logging/", line 664, in format
File "logging/", line 369, in getMessage
TypeError: %i format: a number is required, not str
Call stack:
File "", line 8, in <module>
File "chirp/wxui/", line 214, in chirpmain
File "wx/", line 2262, in MainLoop
File "chirp/wxui/", line 967, in _menu_open
File "chirp/wxui/", line 465, in wrapper
File "chirp/wxui/", line 452, in run_safe
File "chirp/wxui/", line 401, in open_file
File "chirp/wxui/", line 132, in __init__
File "chirp/wxui/", line 787, in refresh
File "chirp/wxui/", line 716, in refresh_memory
File "chirp/wxui/", line 185, in do_radio
File "/var/folders/35/k6lm9zxn78zb_631wl8tgf680000gq/T/", line 1162, in get_memory
LOG.debug("get_memory VHF Number: %i", number)
File "logging/", line 1422, in debug
File "logging/", line 1577, in _log
File "logging/", line 1587, in handle
File "logging/", line 1649, in callHandlers
File "logging/", line 950, in handle
File "logging/", line 1089, in emit
Message: 'get_memory VHF Number: %i'
Arguments: ('Home',)
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,120] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 'Home-VHF'
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,120] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,120] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,121] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: VHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,121] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,121] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,121] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,121] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,121] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,122] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,122] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,122] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,122] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,122] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,122] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,122] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,122] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,123] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,123] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,123] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,123] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,123] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,123] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,123] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,123] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,124] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,124] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,124] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,124] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,124] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,124] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,124] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,124] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,125] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,125] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,125] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,125] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,125] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,125] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,125] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,125] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,126] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,126] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,126] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,126] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,126] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,126] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,126] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,126] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,137] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 1
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,137] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 130
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,138] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,138] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,138] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 2
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,138] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 131
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,138] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,138] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,139] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 3
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,139] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 132
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,139] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,139] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,139] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 4
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,139] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 133
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,140] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,140] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,140] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 5
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,140] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 134
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,140] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,141] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,141] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 6
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,141] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 135
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,141] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,141] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,142] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 7
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,142] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 136
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,142] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,142] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,142] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 8
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,142] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 137
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,143] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,143] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,143] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 9
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,143] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 138
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,143] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,143] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,144] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 10
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,144] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 139
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,144] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,144] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,144] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 11
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,144] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 140
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,145] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,145] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,145] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 12
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,145] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 141
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,145] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,145] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,146] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 13
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,146] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 142
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,146] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,146] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,146] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 14
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,146] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 143
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,147] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,147] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,147] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 15
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,147] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 144
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,147] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,147] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,147] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 16
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,148] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 145
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,148] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,148] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,148] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 17
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,148] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 146
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,149] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,149] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,149] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 18
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,149] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 147
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,149] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,150] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,150] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 19
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,150] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 148
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,150] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,150] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,150] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 20
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,150] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 149
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,151] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,151] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,151] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 21
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,151] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 150
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,151] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,151] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,152] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 22
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,152] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 151
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,152] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,152] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,152] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 23
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,152] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 152
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,153] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,153] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,153] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 24
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,153] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 153
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,153] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,153] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,154] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 25
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,154] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 154
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,154] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,154] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,154] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 26
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,154] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 155
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,155] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,155] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,155] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 27
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,155] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 156
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,155] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,155] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,156] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 28
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,156] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 157
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,156] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,156] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,156] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 29
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,156] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 158
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,157] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,157] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,157] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 30
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,157] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 159
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,157] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,158] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,158] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 31
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,158] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 160
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,158] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,158] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,158] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 32
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,159] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 161
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,159] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,159] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,159] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 33
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,159] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 162
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,159] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,159] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,160] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 34
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,160] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 163
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,160] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,160] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,160] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 35
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,160] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 164
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,161] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,161] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,161] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 36
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,161] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 165
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,161] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,161] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,162] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 37
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,162] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 166
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,162] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,162] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,162] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 38
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,162] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 167
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,163] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,163] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,163] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 39
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,163] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 168
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,163] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,163] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,164] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 40
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,164] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 169
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,164] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,164] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,164] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 41
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,164] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 170
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,165] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,165] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,165] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 42
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,165] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 171
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,165] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,166] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,166] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 43
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,166] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 172
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,166] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,166] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,166] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 44
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,167] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 173
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,167] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,167] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,167] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 45
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,167] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 174
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,168] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,168] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,168] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 46
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,168] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 175
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,168] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,168] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,168] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 47
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,169] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 176
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,169] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,169] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,169] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 48
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,169] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 177
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,169] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,169] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,170] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 49
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,170] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 178
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,170] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,170] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,170] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 50
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,170] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 179
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,171] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,171] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,171] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 51
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,171] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 180
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,171] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,171] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,172] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 52
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,172] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 181
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,172] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,172] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,172] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 53
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,172] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 182
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,173] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,173] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,173] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 54
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,173] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 183
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,174] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,174] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,174] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 55
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,174] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 184
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,174] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,174] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,175] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 56
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,175] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 185
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,175] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,175] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,175] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 57
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,175] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 186
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,176] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,176] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,176] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 58
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,176] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 187
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,176] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,176] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,176] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 59
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,177] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 188
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,177] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,177] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,177] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 60
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,177] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 189
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,177] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,177] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,178] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 61
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,178] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 190
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,178] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,178] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,178] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 62
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,178] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 191
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,179] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,179] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,179] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 63
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,179] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 192
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,179] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,179] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,180] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 64
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,180] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 193
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,180] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,180] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,180] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 65
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,180] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 194
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,181] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,181] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,181] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 66
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,181] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 195
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,182] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,182] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,182] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 67
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,182] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 196
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,182] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,182] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,183] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 68
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,183] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 197
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,183] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,183] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,183] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 69
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,183] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 198
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,184] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,184] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,184] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 70
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,184] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 199
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,184] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,184] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,184] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 71
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,185] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 200
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,185] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,185] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,185] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 72
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,185] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 201
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,185] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,185] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,186] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 73
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,186] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 202
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,186] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,186] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,186] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 74
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,186] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 203
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,187] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,187] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,187] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 75
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,187] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 204
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,187] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,187] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,188] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 76
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,188] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 205
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,188] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,188] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,188] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 77
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,188] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 206
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,189] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,189] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,189] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 78
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,189] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 207
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,189] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,190] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,190] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 79
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,190] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 208
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,190] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,190] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,191] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 80
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,191] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 209
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,191] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,191] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,191] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 81
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,191] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 210
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,191] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,192] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,192] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 82
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,192] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 211
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,192] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,192] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,192] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 83
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,193] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 212
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,193] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,193] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,193] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 84
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,193] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 213
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,193] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,193] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,194] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 85
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,194] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 214
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,194] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,194] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,194] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 86
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,195] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 215
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,195] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,195] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,195] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 87
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,195] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 216
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,195] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,195] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,196] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 88
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,196] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 217
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,196] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,196] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,196] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 89
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,196] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 218
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,197] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,197] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,197] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 90
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,197] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 219
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,197] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,197] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,198] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 91
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,198] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 220
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,198] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,198] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,199] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 92
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,199] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 221
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,199] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,199] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,199] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 93
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,199] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 222
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,200] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,200] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,200] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 94
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,200] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 223
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,200] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,200] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,201] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 95
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,201] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 224
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,201] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,201] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,201] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 96
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,201] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 225
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,201] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,202] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,202] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 97
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,202] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 226
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,202] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,202] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,202] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 98
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,202] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 227
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,203] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,203] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,203] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 99
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,203] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 228
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,203] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,203] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,204] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 100
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,204] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 229
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,204] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,204] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,204] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 101
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,204] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 230
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,205] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,205] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,205] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 102
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,205] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 231
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,205] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,205] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,206] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 103
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,206] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 232
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,206] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,206] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,207] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 104
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,207] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 233
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,207] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,207] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,207] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 105
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,207] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 234
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,208] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,208] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,208] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 106
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,208] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 235
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,208] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,209] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,209] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 107
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,209] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 236
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,209] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,209] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,209] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 108
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,210] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 237
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,210] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,210] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,210] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 109
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,210] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 238
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,210] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,210] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,211] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 110
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,211] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 239
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,211] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,211] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,211] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 111
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,211] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 240
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,212] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,212] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,212] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 112
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,212] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 241
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,212] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,212] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,213] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 113
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,213] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 242
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,213] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,213] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,213] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 114
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,213] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 243
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,214] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,214] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,214] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 115
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,214] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 244
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,215] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,215] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,215] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 116
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,215] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 245
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,215] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,215] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,216] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 117
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,216] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 246
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,216] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,216] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,216] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 118
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,216] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 247
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,216] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,217] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,217] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 119
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,217] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 248
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,217] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,217] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,217] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory UHF Number: 120
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,217] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 249
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,218] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,218] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
--- Logging error ---
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "logging/", line 1081, in emit
File "logging/", line 925, in format
File "logging/", line 664, in format
File "logging/", line 369, in getMessage
TypeError: %i format: a number is required, not str
Call stack:
File "", line 8, in <module>
File "chirp/wxui/", line 214, in chirpmain
File "wx/", line 2262, in MainLoop
File "chirp/wxui/", line 967, in _menu_open
File "chirp/wxui/", line 465, in wrapper
File "chirp/wxui/", line 452, in run_safe
File "chirp/wxui/", line 401, in open_file
File "chirp/wxui/", line 132, in __init__
File "chirp/wxui/", line 787, in refresh
File "chirp/wxui/", line 716, in refresh_memory
File "chirp/wxui/", line 185, in do_radio
File "/var/folders/35/k6lm9zxn78zb_631wl8tgf680000gq/T/", line 1205, in get_memory
LOG.debug("get_memory UHF Number: %i", number)
File "logging/", line 1422, in debug
File "logging/", line 1577, in _log
File "logging/", line 1587, in handle
File "logging/", line 1649, in callHandlers
File "logging/", line 950, in handle
File "logging/", line 1089, in emit
Message: 'get_memory UHF Number: %i'
Arguments: ('VFO',)
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,250] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 'VFO-UHF'
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,251] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,251] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
--- Logging error ---
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "logging/", line 1081, in emit
File "logging/", line 925, in format
File "logging/", line 664, in format
File "logging/", line 369, in getMessage
TypeError: %i format: a number is required, not str
Call stack:
File "", line 8, in <module>
File "chirp/wxui/", line 214, in chirpmain
File "wx/", line 2262, in MainLoop
File "chirp/wxui/", line 967, in _menu_open
File "chirp/wxui/", line 465, in wrapper
File "chirp/wxui/", line 452, in run_safe
File "chirp/wxui/", line 401, in open_file
File "chirp/wxui/", line 132, in __init__
File "chirp/wxui/", line 787, in refresh
File "chirp/wxui/", line 716, in refresh_memory
File "chirp/wxui/", line 185, in do_radio
File "/var/folders/35/k6lm9zxn78zb_631wl8tgf680000gq/T/", line 1205, in get_memory
LOG.debug("get_memory UHF Number: %i", number)
File "logging/", line 1422, in debug
File "logging/", line 1577, in _log
File "logging/", line 1587, in handle
File "logging/", line 1649, in callHandlers
File "logging/", line 950, in handle
File "logging/", line 1089, in emit
Message: 'get_memory UHF Number: %i'
Arguments: ('Home',)
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,283] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_memory Number: 'Home-UHF'
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,284] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,284] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,284] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: UHF get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,284] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,286] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:41,288] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: get_features
[2023-04-07 18:11:47,853] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Showing pre_upload prompt
[2023-04-07 18:11:53,480] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Setting flag for prompt pre_upload
[2023-04-07 18:11:53,480] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Opening serial '/dev/cu.usbserial-1410' after upload prompt
[2023-04-07 18:11:54,645] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 0:
000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........
008: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........
016: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........
024: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:54,749] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 1:
000: 78 00 82 00 78 00 82 00 x...x...
008: 82 00 00 00 01 01 80 f0 ........
016: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........
024: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:54,851] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 2:
000: 20 00 02 02 00 00 1f 00 ........
008: 01 00 01 00 04 00 01 00 ........
016: 01 00 01 00 02 01 55 22 ......U"
024: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:54,953] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 3:
000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........
008: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........
016: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........
024: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:55,055] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 4:
000: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
008: 01 00 01 00 03 01 00 00 ........
016: 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 01 ........
024: 00 00 05 06 01 00 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:55,159] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 5:
000: 00 00 01 00 01 00 03 01 ........
008: 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 ........
016: 00 01 00 00 05 06 01 00 ........
024: 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:55,258] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 6:
000: 00 00 02 ff 00 00 01 00 ........
008: 01 00 03 01 00 00 00 00 ........
016: 02 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
024: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:55,360] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 7:
000: 00 00 01 00 01 00 03 01 ........
008: 00 00 00 00 02 02 00 00 ........
016: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
024: 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:55,461] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 8:
000: 00 00 02 ff 00 00 c0 b7 ........
008: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.
016: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........
024: 20 20 20 20 00 00 ff ff ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:55,562] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 9:
000: 80 00 50 00 ac 08 50 00 ..P...P.
008: ac 08 3c 00 00 22 08 00 ..<.."..
016: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:55,663] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 10:
000: 80 00 00 e7 76 1a 00 e7 ....v...
008: 76 1a f4 01 55 12 15 00 v...U...
016: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:55,759] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 11:
000: 80 00 80 c8 b3 08 80 c8 ........
008: b3 08 3c 00 00 22 08 00 ..<.."..
016: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:55,857] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 12:
000: 80 00 f0 bf 76 1a f0 bf ....v...
008: 76 1a f4 01 00 12 15 00 v.......
016: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:55,959] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 13:
000: 80 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........
008: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....
016: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:56,058] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 14:
000: 80 00 80 6b 95 1a 80 6b ...k...k
008: 95 1a f4 01 55 00 0c 00 ....U...
016: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:56,160] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 15:
000: 80 00 50 00 ac 08 50 00 ..P...P.
008: ac 08 3c 00 00 21 05 65 ..<..!.e
016: 02 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:56,260] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 16:
000: 80 00 e0 45 6f 1a e0 45 ...Eo..E
008: 6f 1a f4 01 55 12 0c 00 o...U...
016: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:56,362] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 17:
000: 56 65 72 74 65 78 20 53 Vertex.S
008: 74 61 6e 64 61 72 64 20 tandard.
016: 41 48 30 30 33 4d 20 42 AH003M.B
024: 61 63 6b 75 70 20 44 54 ackup.DT

[2023-04-07 18:11:56,462] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 18:
000: 82 00 50 00 ac 08 90 d8 ..P.....
008: a2 08 3c 00 00 22 08 00 ..<.."..
016: 03 00 4b 42 35 59 42 49 ..KB5YBI
024: 00 00 82 00 60 20 c2 08 ....`...

[2023-04-07 18:11:56,562] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 19:
000: a0 f8 b8 08 3c 00 00 22 ....<.."
008: 0f 00 03 00 46 57 20 53 ....FW.S
016: 57 20 00 00 82 00 40 b4 W.....@.
024: c6 08 00 dc cf 08 3c 00 ......<.

[2023-04-07 18:11:56,666] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 20:
000: 00 12 1b 00 03 00 48 4f ......HO
008: 4f 44 20 53 00 00 82 00 OD.S....
016: 30 b2 ab 08 70 8a a2 08 0...p...
024: 3c 00 00 22 0f 00 03 00 <.."....

[2023-04-07 18:11:56,768] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 21:
000: 53 4f 4d 56 4c 20 00 00 SOMVL...
008: 82 00 20 66 c6 08 e0 8d ...f....
016: cf 08 3c 00 00 12 0f 00 ..<.....
024: 00 00 41 4c 56 41 52 41 ..ALVARA

[2023-04-07 18:11:56,869] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 22:
000: 00 00 80 00 c0 a0 aa 08 ........
008: 00 79 a1 08 3c 00 00 22 .y..<.."
016: 0c 00 03 00 54 45 53 54 ....TEST
024: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:56,969] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 23:
000: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.
008: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........
016: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........
024: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:57,069] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 24:
000: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......
008: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
016: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........
024: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....

[2023-04-07 18:11:57,171] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 25:
000: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
008: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
016: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...
024: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:57,269] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 26:
000: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........
008: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.
016: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........
024: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:57,373] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 27:
000: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
008: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......
016: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
024: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:57,475] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 28:
000: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....
008: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
016: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
024: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...

[2023-04-07 18:11:57,575] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 29:
000: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........
008: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........
016: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.
024: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:57,677] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 30:
000: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........
008: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
016: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......
024: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:57,776] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 31:
000: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........
008: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....
016: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:57,875] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 32:
000: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...
008: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........
016: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........
024: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.

[2023-04-07 18:11:57,976] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 33:
000: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........
008: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........
016: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
024: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......

[2023-04-07 18:11:58,071] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 34:
000: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
008: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........
016: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....
024: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:58,173] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 35:
000: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
008: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...
016: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:58,272] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 36:
000: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.
008: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........
016: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........
024: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:58,368] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 37:
000: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......
008: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
016: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........
024: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....

[2023-04-07 18:11:58,467] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 38:
000: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
008: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
016: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...
024: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:58,565] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 39:
000: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........
008: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.
016: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........
024: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:58,667] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 40:
000: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
008: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......
016: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
024: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:58,766] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 41:
000: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....
008: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
016: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
024: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...

[2023-04-07 18:11:58,864] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 42:
000: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........
008: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........
016: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.
024: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:58,965] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 43:
000: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........
008: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
016: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......
024: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:59,064] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 44:
000: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........
008: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....
016: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:59,167] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 45:
000: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...
008: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........
016: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........
024: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.

[2023-04-07 18:11:59,261] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 46:
000: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........
008: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........
016: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
024: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......

[2023-04-07 18:11:59,362] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 47:
000: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
008: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........
016: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....
024: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:59,460] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 48:
000: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
008: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...
016: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:59,560] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 49:
000: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.
008: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........
016: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........
024: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:59,659] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 50:
000: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......
008: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
016: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........
024: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....

[2023-04-07 18:11:59,760] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 51:
000: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
008: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
016: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...
024: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:59,861] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 52:
000: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........
008: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.
016: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........
024: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:11:59,964] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 53:
000: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
008: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......
016: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
024: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:00,061] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 54:
000: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....
008: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
016: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
024: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...

[2023-04-07 18:12:00,158] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 55:
000: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........
008: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........
016: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.
024: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:00,258] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 56:
000: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........
008: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
016: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......
024: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:00,363] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 57:
000: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........
008: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....
016: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:00,466] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 58:
000: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...
008: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........
016: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........
024: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.

[2023-04-07 18:12:00,562] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 59:
000: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........
008: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........
016: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
024: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......

[2023-04-07 18:12:00,661] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 60:
000: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
008: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........
016: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....
024: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:00,758] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 61:
000: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
008: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...
016: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:00,856] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 62:
000: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.
008: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........
016: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........
024: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:00,953] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 63:
000: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......
008: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
016: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........
024: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....

[2023-04-07 18:12:01,051] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 64:
000: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
008: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
016: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...
024: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:01,149] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 65:
000: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........
008: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.
016: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........
024: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:01,247] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 66:
000: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
008: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......
016: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
024: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:01,346] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 67:
000: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....
008: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
016: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
024: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...

[2023-04-07 18:12:01,443] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 68:
000: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........
008: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........
016: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.
024: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:01,547] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 69:
000: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........
008: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
016: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......
024: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:01,648] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 70:
000: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........
008: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....
016: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:01,751] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 71:
000: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...
008: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........
016: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........
024: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.

[2023-04-07 18:12:01,852] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 72:
000: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........
008: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........
016: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
024: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......

[2023-04-07 18:12:01,951] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 73:
000: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
008: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........
016: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....
024: 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:02,049] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 74:
000: 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 ........
008: c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 00 00 ....<...
016: 0c 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 ........
024: 20 20 00 00 00 00 c0 b7 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:02,147] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 75:
000: bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 3c 00 ......<.
008: 00 00 0c 00 03 00 20 20 ........
016: 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 ........
024: c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 bb 08 ........

[2023-04-07 18:12:02,247] chirp.loaded.loaded-8932-bk1eyznc - DEBUG: Writing block_nr 76:
000: 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 03 00 <.......
008: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
016: 00 00 c0 b7 bb 08 c0 b7 ........
024: bb 08 3c 00 00 00 0c 00 ..<.....

[2023-04-07 18:12:03,379] chirp.wxui.clone - ERROR: Failed to clone: Failed to communicate with radio: Failed to read ACK. No response from radio.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/folders/35/k6lm9zxn78zb_631wl8tgf680000gq/T/", line 582, in sync_out
File "/var/folders/35/k6lm9zxn78zb_631wl8tgf680000gq/T/", line 145, in _upload
File "/var/folders/35/k6lm9zxn78zb_631wl8tgf680000gq/T/", line 67, in _wait_for_ack
raise Exception("Failed to read ACK. No response from radio.")
Exception: Failed to read ACK. No response from radio.

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirp/wxui/", line 66, in run
File "/var/folders/35/k6lm9zxn78zb_631wl8tgf680000gq/T/", line 586, in sync_out
raise errors.RadioError("Failed to communicate with radio: %s" % e)
chirp.errors.RadioError: Failed to communicate with radio: Failed to read ACK. No response from radio.
[2023-04-07 18:12:09,647] chirp.wxui.clone - WARNING: Stopping clone thread