Feature #9013 » ft1900txmod.patch
chirp/drivers/ft2900.py | ||
# the FT2900E is the European version of the radio, almost identical
# to the R (USA) version, except for the model number and ID Block. We
# create and register a class for it, with only the needed overrides
# NOTE: Disabled until detection is fixed
# @directory.register
#Currently disabled - Unable to test
class FT2900ERadio(FT2900Radio):
"""Yaesu FT-2900E"""
MODEL = "FT-2900E/1900E"
IDBLOCK = "\x56\x43\x32\x33\x00\x02\x41\x02\x01\x01"
# This class is for the TX Modified FT-1900/FT-2900 (MARS/CAP Mod).
# Enabling out of band TX changes the header received by CHIRP
class FT2900ModRadio(FT2900Radio):
"""Yaesu FT-2900Mod"""
MODEL = "FT-2900R/1900R(TXMod)"
VARIANT = "Opened Xmit"
IDBLOCK = "\x56\x43\x32\x33\x00\x02\xc7\x01\x01\x01"