[2015-06-19 12:03:35,173] chirp.logger - DEBUG: CHIRP daily-20150616 on Linux - Linux Mint 17 Qiana (Python 2.7.6)
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,194] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR03T = DR03Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,194] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR06T = DR06Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,194] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR135T = DR135Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,194] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR235T = DR235Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,194] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR435T = DR435Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,195] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DJ596 = DJ596Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,195] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Jetstream_JT220M = JT220MRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,195] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DJ175 = DJ175Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,195] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_5888UV = AnyTone5888UVRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,196] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Intek_HR-2040 = IntekHR2040Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,196] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Polmar_DB-50M = PolmarDB50MRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,196] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Powerwerx_DB-750X = PowerwerxDB750XRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,196] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_TERMN-8R = AnyToneTERMN8RRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,197] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_OBLTR-8R = AnyToneOBLTR8RRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,198] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Sainsonic_AP510 = AP510Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,199] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-3R = UV3RRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,200] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-5R = BaofengUV5R
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,200] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_F-11 = BaofengF11Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,201] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-82 = BaofengUV82Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,201] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-6 = BaofengUV6Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,201] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Intek_KT-980HP = IntekKT980Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,201] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-F8HP = BaofengBFF8HPRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,201] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-82HP = BaofengUV82HPRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,202] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baojie_BJ-UV55 = BaojieBJUV55Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,204] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-1802M = FT1802Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,206] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-1D_R = FT1Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,207] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-2800M = FT2800Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,207] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-2900R_1900R = FT2900Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,207] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-2900E_1900E_E = FT2900ERadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,209] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-60 = FT60Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,209] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-7800_7900 = FT7800Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,210] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-8800 = FT8800Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,210] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-8900 = FT8900Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,210] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-8100 = FT8100Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,211] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-817 = FT817Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,211] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-817ND = FT817NDRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,212] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-817ND_US = FT817NDUSRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,212] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-857_897 = FT857Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,212] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-857_897_US = FT857USRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,213] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-90 = FT90Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,214] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FTM-350 = FTM350Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,215] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Generic_CSV = CSVRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,215] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Commander_KG-UV = CommanderCSVRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,215] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered RT_Systems_CSV = RTCSVRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,216] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered ARRL_Travel_Plus = TpeRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,227] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Generic_XML = XMLRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,236] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-888 = H777Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,236] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-208H = IC208Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,236] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2100H = IC2100Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,237] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2200H = IC2200Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,237] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2720H = IC2720Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,238] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2820H = IC2820Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,239] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-91_92AD = IC9xRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,240] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_7200 = Icom7200Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,240] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_7000 = Icom7000Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,240] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_746 = Icom746Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,240] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-Q7A = ICQ7Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,241] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-T70 = ICT70Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,241] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-T7H = ICT7HRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,242] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-T8A = ICT8ARadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,242] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-W32A = ICW32ARadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-V82_U82 = ICx8xRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-31A = ID31Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-51A = ID51Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,244] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-800H_v2 = ID800v2Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,244] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-880H = ID880Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,244] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-80H = ID80Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,245] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_HMK = HMKRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_ITM = ITMRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D7 = THD7Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D7G = THD7GRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-D700 = TMD700Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-V7 = TMV7Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-G707 = TMG707Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-G71 = THG71Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-F6 = THF6ARadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,248] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-F7 = THF7ERadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,248] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-D710 = TMD710Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,248] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D72_live_mode = THD72Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,248] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-V71 = TMV71Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,248] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-D710G = TMD710GRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,248] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-K2 = THK2Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,248] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-271 = TM271Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,249] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-281 = TM281Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,249] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-471 = TM471Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,250] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV8D = KGUV8DRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,250] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered KYD_NC-630A = NC630aRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,251] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Leixen_VV-898 = LeixenVV898Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,251] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Jetstream_JT270M = JetstreamJT270MRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,252] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UVD1P = KGUVD1PRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,252] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV6 = KGUV6DRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,252] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-816 = KG816Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,252] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-818 = KG818Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,253] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Puxing_PX-777 = Puxing777Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,253] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Puxing_PX-2R = Puxing2RRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,254] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH9000_220 = Th9000220Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,254] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH9000_144 = Th9000144Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,254] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH9000_440 = Th9000440Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,255] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-9800_File = TYTTH9800File
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,255] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-9800 = TYTTH9800Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,256] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UV3R = TYTUV3RRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,256] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UV3R-25 = TYTUV3R25Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,256] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UVF8D = TYTUVF8DRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,257] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D72_clone_mode = THD72Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,258] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UVF1 = TYTTHUVF1Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,258] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-7102 = KenwoodTK7102Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,258] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-8102 = KenwoodTK8102Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,258] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-7108 = KenwoodTK7108Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,259] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-8108 = KenwoodTK8108Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,260] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-2000 = TS2000Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,260] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-B5 = BaofengUVB5
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,260] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-170 = VX170Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,261] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-2 = VX2Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,262] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-3 = VX3Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,262] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-5 = VX5Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,263] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-6 = VX6Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,264] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-7 = VX7Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,265] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-8_R = VX8Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,265] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-8_DR = VX8DRadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,265] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-8_GE = VX8GERadio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,266] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Vertex_Standard_VXA-700 = VXA700Radio
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,474] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,474] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,474] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,474] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,474] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,474] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,474] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,474] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,475] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,476] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Checking for updates
[2015-06-19 12:03:35,684] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Server reports version daily-20150616 is latest
[2015-06-19 12:04:02,310] chirp.directory - INFO: driver re-registration enabled
[2015-06-19 12:04:02,316] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting exception
[2015-06-19 12:04:02,316] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: -- Exception: --
[2015-06-19 12:04:02,317] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/butters/Downloads/chirp-daily-20150616/chirp/ui/mainapp.py", line 1384, in load_module
pyc = compile(code, filen, 'exec')
File "/home/butters/Downloads/uv5r (4).py", line 1
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
[2015-06-19 12:04:02,317] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: ----------------
[2015-06-19 12:05:50,619] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Baofeng_UV-5R'
[2015-06-19 12:05:50,619] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-5R = BaofengUV5R
[2015-06-19 12:05:50,619] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Baofeng_F-11'
[2015-06-19 12:05:50,619] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_F-11 = BaofengF11Radio
[2015-06-19 12:05:50,619] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Baofeng_UV-82'
[2015-06-19 12:05:50,619] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-82 = BaofengUV82Radio
[2015-06-19 12:05:50,619] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Baofeng_UV-6'
[2015-06-19 12:05:50,619] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-6 = BaofengUV6Radio
[2015-06-19 12:05:50,620] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Intek_KT-980HP'
[2015-06-19 12:05:50,620] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Intek_KT-980HP = IntekKT980Radio
[2015-06-19 12:05:50,620] chirp.directory - WARNING: Replacing existing driver id `Baofeng_BF-F8HP'
[2015-06-19 12:05:50,620] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-F8HP = BaofengBFF8HPRadio
[2015-06-19 12:05:55,647] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: User selected Baofeng UV-5R on port /dev/ttyUSB0
[2015-06-19 12:05:55,655] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread started
[2015-06-19 12:05:55,655] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Sending Magic: 000: 50 bb ff 20 12 07 25 00 P.....%.
[2015-06-19 12:05:55,744] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Ident: 000: aa 30 76 04 00 05 20 dd .0v.....
[2015-06-19 12:05:56,088] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Radio Version is '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
[2015-06-19 12:05:56,089] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: downloading main block...
[2015-06-19 12:06:12,583] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: done.
[2015-06-19 12:06:12,583] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: downloading aux block...
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,443] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: done.
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,829] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread ended
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,830] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting model usage: Baofeng_UV-5R,download,False
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,833] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: _firmware_version_from_image: 000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........
008: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 ........
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,834] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: @_is_orig, version_tag: 000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........
008: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 ........
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,835] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1800000-2000000 160 Meter Band simplex , 1800000-2000000 160 Meter Band simplex mode: CW ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,836] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1800000-1810000 Digimodes simplex , 1800000-1810000 Digital Modes simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,838] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1999000-2000000 Beacons simplex mode: CW , 1999000-2000000 Beacons simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,838] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [3500000-4000000 80 Meter Band simplex , 3500000-4000000 80 Meter Band simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,841] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [7000000-7300000 40 Meter Band simplex , 7000000-7300000 40 Meter Band simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,842] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10100000-10150000 30 Meter Band simplex , 10100000-10150000 30 Meter Band simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,843] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10130000-10140000 All narrow band digimodes simplex , 10130000-10140000 RTTY simplex mode: RTTY ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,843] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10140000-10150000 All modes, digimodes, no phone simplex , 10140000-10150000 Packet simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,844] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [14000000-14350000 20 Meter Band simplex , 14000000-14350000 20 Meter Band simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,846] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [18068000-18168000 17 Meter Band simplex , 18068000-18168000 17 Meter Band simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,848] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [21000000-21450000 15 Meter Band simplex , 21000000-21450000 15 Meter Band simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,850] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [24890000-24990000 12 Meter Band simplex , 24890000-24990000 12 Meter Band simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,851] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [28000000-28070000 CW simplex mode: CW , 28000000-28070000 CW simplex mode: CW ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,852] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [28150000-28190000 All narrow band modes, digimodes simplex , 28150000-28190000 CW simplex mode: CW ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,853] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [29000000-29200000 All modes, AM preferred simplex mode: AM , 29000000-29200000 AM simplex mode: AM ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,854] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [29300000-29510000 Satellite downlink simplex , 29300000-29510000 Satellite Downlinks simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,855] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1800000-2000000 160 Meter Band simplex , 1800000-2000000 160 Meter Band simplex mode: CW ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,855] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1800000-1810000 Digimodes simplex , 1800000-1810000 Digital Modes simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,856] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1999000-2000000 Beacons simplex mode: CW , 1999000-2000000 Beacons simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,856] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [3500000-4000000 80 Meter Band simplex , 3500000-4000000 80 Meter Band simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,857] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [7000000-7300000 40 Meter Band simplex , 7000000-7300000 40 Meter Band simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,857] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10100000-10150000 30 Meter Band simplex , 10100000-10150000 30 Meter Band simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,857] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10130000-10140000 All narrow band digimodes simplex , 10130000-10140000 RTTY simplex mode: RTTY ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,858] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10140000-10150000 All modes, digimodes, no phone simplex , 10140000-10150000 Packet simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,858] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [14000000-14350000 20 Meter Band simplex , 14000000-14350000 20 Meter Band simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,859] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [18068000-18168000 17 Meter Band simplex , 18068000-18168000 17 Meter Band simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,860] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [21000000-21450000 15 Meter Band simplex , 21000000-21450000 15 Meter Band simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,860] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [24890000-24990000 12 Meter Band simplex , 24890000-24990000 12 Meter Band simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,861] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [28000000-28070000 CW simplex mode: CW , 28000000-28070000 CW simplex mode: CW ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,862] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [28150000-28190000 All narrow band modes, digimodes simplex , 28150000-28190000 CW simplex mode: CW ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,862] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [29000000-29200000 All modes, AM preferred simplex mode: AM , 29000000-29200000 AM simplex mode: AM ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,863] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [29300000-29510000 Satellite downlink simplex , 29300000-29510000 Satellite Downlinks simplex ]
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,909] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: _firmware_version_from_image: 000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........
008: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 ........
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,910] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: @_is_orig, version_tag: 000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........
008: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 ........
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,911] chirp.ui.memedit - ERROR: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,912] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Code supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,912] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Rx Code supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,912] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Pol supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,912] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Mode supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,912] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Offset supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,912] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Name supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,912] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Tune Step supported: False
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,912] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Name supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,912] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: ToneSql supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,912] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Cross Mode supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,912] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Comment supported: False
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,913] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Code supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,913] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Rx Code supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,913] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Pol supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,913] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Mode supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,913] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Offset supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,913] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Name supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,913] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Tune Step supported: False
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,913] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Name supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,913] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: ToneSql supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,913] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Cross Mode supported: True
[2015-06-19 12:06:13,913] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Comment supported: False
[2015-06-19 12:06:14,023] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: _firmware_version_from_image: 000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........008: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 ........
[2015-06-19 12:06:14,024] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: @_is_orig, version_tag: 000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........008: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 ........
[2015-06-19 12:06:14,027] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: _firmware_version_from_image: 000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........008: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 ........
[2015-06-19 12:06:14,028] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: @_is_orig, version_tag: 000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........008: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 ........
[2015-06-19 12:06:14,030] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: _firmware_version_from_image: 000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........008: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 ........
[2015-06-19 12:06:14,031] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: @_is_orig, version_tag: 000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........008: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 ........
[2015-06-19 12:06:14,033] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: _firmware_version_from_image: 000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........008: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 ........
[2015-06-19 12:06:14,034] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: @_is_orig, version_tag: 000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ........008: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 ........
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,062] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting squelch = 3
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,063] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting save = 1:3
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,063] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting abr = 5
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,063] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting beep = False
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,063] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting timeout = 60 sec
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,063] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting mdfa = Frequency
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,063] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting mdfb = Frequency
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,064] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting wtled = Purple
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,064] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting rxled = Blue
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,064] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting txled = Orange
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,064] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting roger = False
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,064] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting vox = OFF
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,064] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting tdr = False
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,064] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting tdrab = Off
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,065] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting almod = Tone
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,065] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting voice = Off
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,065] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting screv = TO
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,065] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting bcl = False
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,066] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting autolk = False
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,066] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting fmradio = True
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,066] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting ste = True
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,066] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting rpste = 5
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,067] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting rptrl = OFF
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,067] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting reset = True
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,067] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting menu = True
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,067] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting line1 =
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,067] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting line2 =
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,068] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting line1 = 150110N
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,068] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting line2 =
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,068] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting line1 = WELCOME
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,068] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting line2 =
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,069] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting ponmsg = Full
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,069] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting lower = 130
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,069] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting upper = 177
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,069] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting enable = True
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,069] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting lower = 400
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,070] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting upper = 520
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,070] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting enable = True
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,070] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting displayab = A
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,070] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting workmode = Channel
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,071] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting keylock = False
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,071] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting mrcha = 7
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,071] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting mrchb = 23
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,071] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,071] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,072] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sftd = -
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,072] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sftd = -
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,072] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,072] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,072] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting txpower = High
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,072] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting txpower = High
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,073] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting widenarr = Wide
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,073] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting widenarr = Wide
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,073] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting scode = 1
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,073] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting scode = 1
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,077] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting step = 5.0
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,078] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting step = 5.0
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,079] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting fm_presets = 110
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,084] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,085] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,086] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,087] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,088] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,089] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,091] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,093] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,093] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,093] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,093] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,093] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,094] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,094] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,094] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,094] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,094] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting aniid = EOT
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,095] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Using apply callback
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,095] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting dtmfst = DT+ANI
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,095] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting dtmfon = 80 ms
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,095] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting dtmfoff = 80 ms
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,095] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql0 = 0
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,095] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql1 = 21
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,096] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql2 = 23
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,096] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql3 = 25
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,096] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql4 = 27
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,096] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql5 = 29
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,096] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql6 = 30
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,096] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql7 = 31
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,096] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql8 = 32
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,097] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql9 = 33
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,097] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql0 = 0
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,097] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql1 = 19
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,097] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql2 = 20
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,098] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql3 = 21
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,098] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql4 = 22
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,098] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql5 = 23
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,099] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql6 = 24
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,100] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql7 = 25
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,100] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql8 = 26
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,100] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Setting sql9 = 27
[2015-06-19 12:08:12,116] chirp.ui.editorset - DEBUG: <SettingsEditor object at 0x7f5535749960 (chirp+ui+common+Editor at 0x1c39640)> changed
[2015-06-19 12:08:13,737] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Opening port after pre_upload prompt.
[2015-06-19 12:08:13,747] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread started
[2015-06-19 12:08:13,749] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Sending Magic: 000: 50 bb ff 20 12 07 25 00 P.....%.
[2015-06-19 12:08:13,845] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Ident: 000: aa 30 76 04 00 05 20 dd .0v.....
[2015-06-19 12:08:13,852] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: _firmware_version_from_image: 000: 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........
008: 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 ........
[2015-06-19 12:08:14,189] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Image Version is ' '
[2015-06-19 12:08:14,190] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Radio Version is '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
[2015-06-19 12:08:14,192] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: -- Exception: --
[2015-06-19 12:08:14,192] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/butters/Downloads/chirp-daily-20150616/chirp/ui/clone.py", line 236, in run
File "/home/butters/Downloads/chirp-daily-20150616/uv5r (4).py", line 704, in sync_out
File "/home/butters/Downloads/chirp-daily-20150616/uv5r (4).py", line 549, in _do_upload
raise errors.RadioError(msg % (image_version, radio_version))
RadioError: The upload was stopped because the firmware version of the image ( ) does not match that of the radio (??????????????).
[2015-06-19 12:08:14,192] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: ----------------
[2015-06-19 12:08:14,193] chirp.ui.clone - ERROR: Clone failed: The upload was stopped because the firmware version of the image ( ) does not match that of the radio (??????????????).
[2015-06-19 12:08:14,196] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting exception
[2015-06-19 12:08:14,377] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Failed to report: <Fault 109: 'XML error: Invalid character at line 23, column 1'>
[2015-06-19 12:08:14,461] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread ended
[2015-06-19 12:08:14,462] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting model usage: Baofeng_UV-5R,upload,True
[2015-06-19 12:08:14,465] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting exception
[2015-06-19 12:08:14,466] chirp.ui.inputdialog - ERROR: --- Exception Dialog: The upload was stopped because the firmware version of the image ( ) does not match that of the radio (??????????????). ---
[2015-06-19 12:08:14,466] chirp.ui.inputdialog - ERROR: None
[2015-06-19 12:08:14,467] chirp.ui.inputdialog - ERROR: ----------------------------
/home/butters/Downloads/chirp-daily-20150616/chirp/ui/mainapp.py:483: PangoWarning: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()
[2015-06-19 12:08:21,125] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: Closing 0
[2015-06-19 12:08:23,287] chirp.ui.common - DEBUG: RadioThread exiting