


Bug #11770 » debug_log.txt

Michael Milner, 01/10/2025 09:51 AM

[2025-01-10 11:36:43,568] chirp.logger - DEBUG: CHIRP next-20250110 on Win32 (Unknown 10.0:22631) (Python 3.10.8)
[2025-01-10 11:36:45,054] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Using locale: en_US (276)
[2025-01-10 11:36:45,069] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Translation loaded=True for CHIRP: en_US (bg_BG,de,el,en_US,es,fr,hu,it,ja_JP,nl,pl,pt_BR,ru,tr_TR,uk_UA,zh_CN) from C:\Program Files (x86)\CHIRP\chirp\locale
[2025-01-10 11:36:45,092] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Translation loaded=False for wxstd: en_US (af,an,ar,ca,ca@valencia,co,cs,da,de,el,es,eu,fa_IR,fi,fr,gl_ES,hi,hr,hu,id,it,ja,ka,ko_KR,lt,lv,ms,nb,ne,nl,pl,pt,pt_BR,ro,ru,sk,sl,sq,sv,ta,tr,uk,vi,zh_CN,zh_TW)
[2025-01-10 11:36:46,338] main - INFO: Python/3.10.8 // Windows/Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0 // CHIRP/next-20250110 // wx/4.2.0 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.2.0
[2025-01-10 11:36:46,729] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf SE Jaktradio 155MHz.csv because same name found in user dir: File is changed
[2025-01-10 11:36:46,744] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf US CA Railroad Channels.csv because same name found in user dir: File is changed
[2025-01-10 11:36:46,776] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf US FRS and GMRS Channels.csv because same name found in user dir: File is changed
[2025-01-10 11:36:46,791] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf US Marine VHF Channels.csv because same name found in user dir: File is changed
[2025-01-10 11:36:46,791] chirp.wxui.main - DEBUG: Recent is now ["C:\\Users\\autot\\Desktop\\Michael's Radio.img"]
[2025-01-10 11:36:47,074] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Server reports next-20250110 is latest
[2025-01-10 11:36:50,554] chirp.wxui.main - DEBUG: Ignoring recent file Untitled.csv
[2025-01-10 11:37:25,659] chirp.wxui.query_sources - INFO: Starting QueryThread for <chirp.sources.repeaterbook.RepeaterBook object at 0x000001B36FB96FE0>
[2025-01-10 11:37:25,659] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: Query Parameters: {'country': 'United States', 'state': 'Kansas', 'lat': '', 'lon': '', 'dist': '', 'filter': '', 'bands': [(144000000, 148000000), (420000000, 450000000)], 'modes': ['FM'], 'service': '', 'service_display': 'Amateur', 'fmconv': True, 'openonly': False}
[2025-01-10 11:37:25,675] chirp.sources.repeaterbook - DEBUG: RepeaterBook database rb-united_states-kansas.json not cached
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,111] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [0] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,111] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [0] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,111] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [0] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,111] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [0] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,111] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [0] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,111] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [1] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,127] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [1] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,127] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [1] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,127] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [1] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,127] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [1] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,127] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,127] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,127] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,127] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,127] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,127] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,127] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [3] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,127] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [3] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,127] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [3] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,143] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [4] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,143] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [4] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,143] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [4] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,143] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [5] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,143] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [5] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,143] chirp.sources.repeaterbook - ERROR: Invalid JSON in response: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirp\sources\", line 146, in get_data
File "json\", line 346, in loads
File "json\", line 337, in decode
File "json\", line 355, in raw_decode
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,143] chirp.sources.repeaterbook - ERROR: Repeaterbook query '' returned 200
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,143] chirp.sources.repeaterbook - ERROR: Start of data:

b'<br />\n<b>Warning</b>: Undefined variable $PDOmode in <b>/home/repeat6/public_html/api/export.php</b> on line <b>219</b><br />\n{\n "count": 248,\n "results": [\n {\n "State ID": "20",\n "Rptr ID": 4043,\n "Frequency'
[2025-01-10 11:37:26,143] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [100] Query dialog status 'RepeaterBook returned invalid response'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,742] chirp.wxui.query_sources - INFO: Starting QueryThread for <chirp.sources.repeaterbook.RepeaterBook object at 0x000001B36FB97250>
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,742] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: Query Parameters: {'country': 'United States', 'state': 'Kansas', 'lat': '', 'lon': '', 'dist': '100', 'filter': '', 'bands': [(144000000, 148000000), (420000000, 450000000)], 'modes': ['FM'], 'service': '', 'service_display': 'Amateur', 'fmconv': True, 'openonly': False}
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,742] chirp.sources.repeaterbook - DEBUG: RepeaterBook database rb-united_states-kansas.json not cached
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,961] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [0] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,961] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [0] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [0] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [0] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [1] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [1] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [1] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [1] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [1] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [1] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [1] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [1] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [2] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [3] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [3] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [3] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,976] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [3] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,992] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [3] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,992] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [3] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,992] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [4] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,992] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [4] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,992] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [4] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,992] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [4] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,992] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [5] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,992] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [5] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,992] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [5] Query dialog status 'Downloading'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,992] chirp.sources.repeaterbook - ERROR: Invalid JSON in response: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirp\sources\", line 146, in get_data
File "json\", line 346, in loads
File "json\", line 337, in decode
File "json\", line 355, in raw_decode
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,992] chirp.sources.repeaterbook - ERROR: Repeaterbook query '' returned 200
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,992] chirp.sources.repeaterbook - ERROR: Start of data:

b'<br />\n<b>Warning</b>: Undefined variable $PDOmode in <b>/home/repeat6/public_html/api/export.php</b> on line <b>219</b><br />\n{\n "count": 248,\n "results": [\n {\n "State ID": "20",\n "Rptr ID": 4043,\n "Frequency'
[2025-01-10 11:37:36,992] chirp.wxui.query_sources - DEBUG: [100] Query dialog status 'RepeaterBook returned invalid response'
[2025-01-10 11:44:35,944] chirp.wxui.main - DEBUG: Not backing up <chirp.drivers.generic_csv.CSVRadio object at 0x000001B36CFB3F10>
[2025-01-10 11:45:05,631] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Created page start
[2025-01-10 11:45:05,646] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Created page creds
[2025-01-10 11:45:05,693] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Created page existbug
[2025-01-10 11:45:05,693] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Created page update
[2025-01-10 11:46:57,494] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: CHIRP login success as 98272
[2025-01-10 11:49:07,592] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Validated issue 11770
[2025-01-10 11:51:13,873] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Capturing config file C:\Users\autot\AppData\Roaming\CHIRP\chirp.config stamped 2025-01-10T11:51:13.873402
[2025-01-10 11:51:13,888] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Capturing focused open file Untitled.csv from <chirp.drivers.generic_csv.CSVRadio object at 0x000001B36CFB3F10>
[2025-01-10 11:51:13,919] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Capturing windows system info